Wayne Dalton Garage Doors Johns Creek GA

Quality, Time-Tested, and Proven Garage Doors by Wayne Dalton

Creating quality garage doors and accessories has been perfected by Wayne Dalton since 1954. The humble beginnings of this company based in Mt. Hope, Ohio, has built the foundation of what now is a leader in the garage door industry with a 900,000 square foot manufacturing facility and a time-tested reputation for quality. The Amish heritage which dominates it’s home base in Holmes County, could be a good indicator of why Wayne Dalton’s products are marked with their superior craftsmanship and design.

When looking for a garage door specific for your needs, a customer should consider a few key factors. These factors basically are: door design, safety, materials, window design, insulation, functionality, cost, and craftsmanship. In this article, we’ll discuss what Wayne Dalton has to offer concerning these key factors.

A garage door design can enhance a home in ways most people haven’t imagined, but Wayne Dalton has spent years imagining and perfecting designs sure to add excitement to the process of choosing your garage door. A customer might be interested in a contemporary look, maybe a design resembling swinging stable doors, maybe a traditional panel design with raised recessed panels in differing lengths and sizes? Wayne Dalton has many designs and colors tailored to suit any home.

The design of the windows (or no windows) is also very important when choosing the correct garage door. The spacing, variable sizes, and location of the windows can accentuate the look and even the functionality of the garage inside. Windows can allow natural light into the garage, and can even be placed eye level to make looking outside easier. Most people underestimate the difference the window sections can make when choosing a garage door, so we encourage customers to consider windows in the design.

Of course a customer has to factor in the materials and the insulation of their garage door. Wayne Dalton is a leader in offering the best choice in materials to suit your needs. The materials are also a large part of the design and factor in heavily when it comes to maintenance, durability, noise reduction, and energy efficiency.

Their classic steel garage doors are great for durability, and are low maintenance when it comes to cleaning.

Their vinyl garage doors are known for: long lasting durability (especially in harsh weather climates), their ability to recover from dents, and being rust free with no need of paint.

If a person wants the look of a wooden garage door, then their designer fiberglass models are a perfect fit. They give the natural look of wood without the maintenance, and are constructed with durable steel inside the fiberglass shell.

Wooden garage doors are also available, and with their superior craftsmanship and quality appearance could very well be that unique piece to your home to satisfy your eye. They do require maintenance every couple years with staining or painting, yet this could be worth it for the right customer.

If these material options aren’t enough, consider the modern aluminum or even glass models. The aluminum comes in differing colors, while the glass garage doors come in different tints. These are low maintenance solutions, but generally have less insulation compared to the other materials offered.

Insulation is an important material to consider as well. Keeping the garage warm without spending a lot on heat will save you money, keep the contents in garage warm, and be a more pleasant place to be in. Wayne Dalton has thought of this, and uses polyurethane foam, which has a superior R-value (based on noise reduction and thermal efficiency) than the polystyrene material of which many garage doors are insulated with. The insulation in Wayne Dalton garage doors is going to reduce noise, save on energy, make the door stronger, and even quieter when operating.

A couple final important considerations are making sure your garage door is safe and making sure the working components are top quality. The design of Wayne Dalton garage doors and their components reflect these important factors, and offer time-tested, proven solutions. The garage door is a large moving object in a place where kids and family members could be present, so Wayne Dalton has pinch-resistant doors that push a person’s fingers out of the way before they can be pinched by the moving panels. Also, their doors offer tamper-resistant bottom brackets which reduce injury from components under tension. Also, the insulation used reduces smoke and flames in the occurrence of a fire.

The TorqueMaster Plus counterbalance system and anti-drop device, are designed for the springs and tension components. These exclusive items offered by Wayne Dalton will prevent any harm or damage from occurring if the springs break, as they are enclosed in a steel tube. The adjustments for the springs are still accessible on the side of the tube.

This overview of Wayne Dalton Garage Doors should have given you a basic understanding of the outstanding choices and options a person has when choosing their products. Hopefully, this has provided you with enough insight to thoughtfully approach your choice concerning which garage door is right for you. With the time-tested craftsmanship and proven quality this leader in the garage door industry provides, Wayne Dalton products are sure to satisfy and even exceed a customer’s needs and desires.

All Four Seasons Garage Doors is your Wayne Dalton Garage Doors Johns Creek GA expert. Contact us for the latest in styles and designs. Call us today (770) 517-7078 or click on us: All Four Seasons Wayne Dalton Garage Doors Johns Creek GA