Garage door safety is very important. Accidents related to garage doors are very rare. However, when a person is hurt in an accident related to a garage door, they are often seriously hurt or they die from their injuries. The saying “knowledge is power” is very true, and it relates to being safe with garage doors. Two of the things people that have garages should be knowledgeable about relating to garage doors is what injuries can be caused by garage doors and carbon monoxide poisoning and garage doors.
There are a few injuries that can be sustained from garage doors. The first one is crushing. Every year, more than 7,550 people in America get pinched when their fingers get caught between the panels of a garage door. Another common pinching injury caused by garage doors is getting fingers caught in between the rollers and tracks on a garage door. Sometimes these injuries are so serious that the finger has to be removed. The first way to stop this accident from happening is keeping fingers away from the garage door to begin with. For people that have small children, a design that is made to be pinch-proof can be selected when their guardians or parents are picking out a garage door design. Regularly scheduled maintenance performed by a professional will also keep the chance of pinching accidents low. The next type of injury that can be caused by a garage door is crushing.
Information received from data obtained by the National Electronic Injury Surveillance Survey says that over 2,200 people that live in America will be hurt by a garage door falling on them. About one-hundred of them take place when a person attempts to run under a garage door while it is closing. The rest of the injuries are caused by mechanical issues with the garage door and opener equipment. The best method to preventing these accidents is inspect a garage door on a regular basis. The owner should inspect it once a month and have a professional inspect and maintain it once a year. This will ensure that surprises such as broken garage door springs that may cause the door to drop suddenly may not happen. Lacerations are the last key type of injury that a person can get as a result of an accident with a garage door.
Close to 800 Americans will get lacerations as a result of the window glass breaking in their garage door. This type of injury does not happen as often as it used to. The reason for this is that older doors with regular have been replaced with new doors that have shatter-resistant glass. This glass is like the glass that is in the windows of vehicles, so the glass breaks into small dull shards instead of big and sharp shards. Another safety issue that needs to be looked at when it comes to garage doors is carbon monoxide poisoning.
Especially when it is cold outside, a person may choose to open their garage door and start the car to warm it up a few minutes prior to their departure from home. This is never a good idea. Thomas Greiner, an extension agricultural engineer that works at Iowa State University heeds this warning, “Don’t ever warm-up a car in a garage, even with the garage door open. In less than two minutes gas fumes build to lethal concentrations in the garage.” In a garage that is attached to a house, the fumes may spread quickly into the house. All hope is not lost, however, as carbon monoxide poisoning can be prevented.
To avoid being poisoned by carbon monoxide in a garage, never run a car engine in a garage even if the garage door is open. Ensure that every car gets regular tune-ups and is running clean. Also, be sure to look for exhaust system leaks and get them fixed if you find any. When you start your car and exit the garage, be sure everybody has entered the vehicle and is ready to go and open the garage door. Then start the vehicle and exit the garage right away and close the garage door. Then you should drive away right away and read the owner’s manual about driving your car with a cold engine.
Injuries and carbon monoxide poisoning are two key issues when dealing with garage door safety. If you follow safety guidelines like the ones we have provided for you, you will get on the right track for garage door safety.
All Four Seasons Garage Door Opener Installation Holly Springs GA is here to help. Whether it’s an electronic opener, a broken spring or faulty track, All Four Seasons can do the job right. Call us at (770) 517-7078 or click on us today: All Four Seasons Garage Door Opener Installation Holly Springs GA