There are different types of industrial or commercial garage doors. As a Franklin TN business, the next time you are planning to buy a garage door, you ought to understand the available types so that you get a right door suitable for your needs. Do not just buy the first commercial garage door you come across. You need to carry out research on available doors because the types are many; then choose an appropriate commercial garage door for your business. Here is a guide that will help you understand the various types of commercial garage doors.
Roll-up Commercial Garage Door
If you are in an environment that demands security, rolling doors will suit you perfectly. As a buyer, if you are looking for durable garage doors go for rolling doors because they are durable. Rolling doors constitute of service doors and counter shutters. The good thing about them is that they fit in tight spaces, unlike sectional doors that cannot fit in such tight spaces.
Sectional doors
If you are in need of a door that will offer security and thermal efficiency then, a sectional door is most appropriate. The doors come with windows and without windows. For those that have windows, the window space is suitable for lighting, beauty purposes, and visibility. If you need garage doors Franklin TN for a business like a hospital, then it is the right door for you. The door opens quietly, and it generates little noise. Therefore, sectional garage doors are suitable for business people who are in areas prone to theft because the doors offer maximum security.
Fire doors
These doors have similar features to rolling doors. However, this type of door is suitable for industries or businesses that require listed fire door. Fire doors have fusible links and these links automatically release to close doors at 165F. Note that smoke and heat detectors have the ability to trigger the descent of the door. The alarm systems of a building also trigger its descent. Fire doors include both the counter shutters and service doors.
One-piece garage door
It is just a solid door that swings up and kicks out after it has been opened or closed. It used to be the standard commercial garage door in the past. However, with the recent advancements, other types came up. This type is mainly made of wood, and it is energy efficient. However, it requires more clearance than other door types.
Purchasing a commercial garage door
After knowing the types of commercial garage doors Franklin TN in the market, the next thing would be to purchase one. You would want to buy your door from a reliable distributor. Avoid buying doors from suppliers who are not licensed because they could be selling poor quality doors.
Before you purchase a door, carry out a research of suppliers in your locality. Make sure you know prices of more than one supplier. That ensures that you buy a door at an affordable price because some sellers tend to exaggerate their costs. It is also important that you buy garage doors from reliable suppliers who offer warranty.
Hiring a technician to install your garage door
After buying a garage door, it is time that you install it. You do not want to hire just any person to install it for you. Hire a licensed and trained technician to install your commercial garage doors to ensure that it will last for long. An experienced technician will come in handy. Experienced professionals have the expertise to install all types of garage doors; thus, you need not worry.
You do not want to waste all your investment by getting the wrong person to fit the door. Your business doesn’t have time to waste on shopping around- go with the experts with your first choice. Call us at 615-274-8419 or click on All Four Seasons Commercial Garage Doors Franklin TN