5 Must-Dos When Showing Your House | Garage Doors Atlanta GA

Selling a house is something many dread so much they often leave the chore up to someone else. However, one may find the trick lies in knowing what to do, the little things making all the difference. Imagine how the enticing smell of freshly baked cookies stir up childhood memories or how discovering the garage doors open and close without a hitch pleases potential buyers. Simple things like this make showing and selling one’s house as easy as signing one’s name on the dotted line.

Safety First

To say selling a house is an adventure in socializing is an understatement; homeowners often meet more people in a few days than they normally would over several years. However, one should always make personal safety a priority and show the house by appointment only, never inviting in unannounced visitors. Speaking to the local police department about safety tips isn’t a bad idea, either, a few security measures going a long way.

Setting the Mood

A key element in showing a house is creating a welcoming homey atmosphere to draw in potential buyers. This is easily done with soft soothing music and perhaps a few accent lamps, particular lamps that cast a warm glow. However, avoid burning scented candles or using air fresheners as many people have allergic reactions to them. Instead, bake cookies to fill the house with an enticing aroma that brings up fond memories. After all, the idea is to sell a home, not just a house.

Creating Comfort

Buying a house is a major investment, one people aren’t willing to rush into without knowing exactly what they are purchasing. For that reason, one wants potential buyers to spend time in the house in hopes they will see their future home. One way to do that is by making sure the temperature is comfortable for people viewing the house, giving them reason to stay longer. There is also the fact one is showing the central unit works beautifully, a rather nice selling point one should never omit.

The Checklist

A good habit to develop while showing one’s house is to check faucets, light bulbs and even the doors every day. After all, potential buyers are likely to see dripping faucets and squeaky doors as an indication of a more serious problem. Lights that don’t work often hint at poor maintenance. Even garage doors are something to check, ensuring everything works as expected. If not, be sure to replace light bulbs and fix doors or faucets before interested buyers become little more than brief visitors to one’s home.

Alone Time

The thought of leaving strangers alone in one’s home is never a pleasant one, and yet, that is exactly what one should do. Potential buyers want to discuss various things they note, think and feel as they walk through the house, but they’re unlikely to do so with the homeowner looking over their shoulder. Simply let people know where to find one and step outside or preoccupy oneself in another room, giving them some alone time to seriously contemplate buying the house. The more people talk among each other, the more apt they are to talk each other into purchasing what they may come to view as their dream home.

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